Be well.
Do well.
Why an energetic approach?
Because EVERYTHING is energy, and everything we do requires energy, whether physical, mental or emotional. Optimal, lasting well-being involves the body, mind and spirit, and must be based on our own energy rhythm.
Our energy determines what we can do, and our personal energy reserves are limited. How many times have you put off a call, for example, not because it was complicated or physically difficult to do, but because you simply didn't have the energy to have the discussion that would follow?!
Depending on the source of your issue, professional or personal, you may be more attracted to coaching or to energy work. But as the saying goes, "everything is in everything and vice versa", well-illustrated by the yin and yang symbol adapted here, and you'll get results no matter which entry point you choose.
Coaching Services
If your issue is more related to your professional life and knowing what to do, coaching services may be just what you're looking for.
Coaching is a partnership between coach and client. Using the image of the pilot and co-pilot, the pilot (client) determines the destination, the means of transport and the route to take to get there; the co-pilot (coach) offers observations on what she sees in the landscape, options for detours, stops or points of interest along the way and makes sure the pilot stays focused and manages their energy well to reach the ultimate goal.
Together, we focus on your career aspirations and leadership—you as a leader, with your career goals, abilities and skills in this regard, for example those of communicating well or influencing your environment— and figure out what you need to reach those goals.
Energy Services
If your issue is more related to your personal life and knowing how to be, energy services may be more appropriate for you.
Together, we look at your personal desires and inner nature—what makes you who you are, wherever you are and whatever your role (parent, spouse, colleague, friend) and what gets in the way of fulfilling them and feeling your best, in every sense.
Energy medicine is also a partnership between client and practitioner, but the interaction takes place on a more subtle level, with our energies talking to each other through sensations rather than words. We often use the metaphor of the detective following the energy trail.
During personal sessions, I follow the energy to find imbalances in your energy systems (meridians, chakras, aura, etc.). They manifest themselves in your body, your emotions, your way of thinking, and influence you as a person.